President Liu Xiaohong Attended the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Legal Services Online Seminar and Delivered a Speech


President Liu Xiaohong of SHUPL delivered a welcoming speech for the presence of distinguished guests, experts and scholars. She expounded on the basic situation and work direction of the China-Shanghai Cooperation Organization Legal Services Committee (SHUPL), and expected the in-depth discussion centered on the seminars theme so as to enhance the exchange of Chinese and Russian scholars on anti-corruption research, and provide forward-looking ideas and countermeasures for the criminal legislation of China and Russia. Guests and scholars participating in this seminar are welcome to attend the online lectures series on Chinese Law launched by the China-Shanghai Cooperation Organization Legal Services Committee (SHUPL) in conjunction with Shanghai Jiaotong University and the All-Russian State University of Justice, and to exchange academic viewpoints at the SHUPL.

Professor Kozlova Elena Borisovna, the Acting Deputy President for Scientific Research of the All-Russian State University of Justice delivered a welcome address and expressed gratitude for the presence of all attendees in this China-Russia Online Seminar to discuss and share the problems and experiences of China and Russia in combating corruption. Anti-corruption legislation should be improved according to the characteristics and changes of corruption. The work regarding the issues such as the anti-corruption review of legal normative documents and draft legal norms, the investigation of crime, the improvement of legal measures against corruption in commercial society, the anti-corruption education, the use of modern media and web technology to form a mainstream culture of zero tolerance for corruption are of vital significance. Anti-corruption legislation is in a new stage of development with judicial science facing paramount difficulties, and she hopes that the results of the seminar can bring new ideas to colleagues in academia, law enforcement, legislative bodies.

Six experts from China and Russia delivered speeches on their respective themes and discussed with the participants.

Bai Langtao, Ph.D. and Associate Professor of Criminal Law from the East China Normal University Law School, presented a keynote speech on The Identification of Anti-Corruption Crime.

Fomenko Elena Vladimirovna, Senior Researcher of the Center for Scientific Research, Ph.D. and Associate Professor of the All-Russian State University of Justice, presented a keynote speech on The Main Directions of Russian National Anti-corruption Policy and Prevention of Corruption in the Context of the Implementation of the International Convention Against Corruption and Other Normative Legal Documents .

Xie Jie, Associate Professor and Ph.D. of Law from the Koguan Law School of Shanghai Jiaotong University, gave a speech on Criminal Law Judicial interpretation in Chinas Anti-corruption Practice under the Rule of Law: Model, Experience and Prospect.

Professor Ilyushina Marina Nikolaevna, Director of the Department of Civil Law and Enterprise Law of the All-Russian State University of Justice, addressed the topic of Anti-corruption Legislation and Organization Mechanism in the Supervision of Income and Expenditure of National Civil Servants and Other Personnel in Russian Legal System.

Zhang Shaoqian, Professor from the Koguan Law School of Shanghai Jiaotong University and Director of Institute of Criminal Law, pointed out that since the 18th National Congress, the CPC Central Committee has made a strategic decision to administrate the Party strictly and comprehensively, taking multiple measures to improve legislation, strengthen the administration of justice, and enforce the discipline, etc.

Trofimov Egor Viktorovich, the Deputy President for Scientific Research of St. Petersburg Institute (branch), Ph.D. and Associate Professor of the All-Russian State University of Justice, delivered a speech on The Role of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of the United States in the World Anti-corruption Process.

The seminar was co-chaired by Dr. Cheng Jinhua, Ph.D. in Judicial Science of the Yale University, Distinguished Professor at the Koguan Law School of Shanghai Jiaotong University, and Professor Kozlova Eena, Director of the Center for Scientific Research of the All-Russian State University of Justice.

During the discussion, certain questions from the chat rooms question list were elaborately selected, and detailedly answered in the Q&A session.

The seminar was successfully ended with a concluding remark made by Professor Kozlova Elena Borisovna, the Acting Deputy President for Scientific Research of the All-Russian State University of Justice.

China-Shanghai Cooperation Organization Legal Services Committee,

Cooperation Department of CNISCO

May 26, 2020